1. Review your insurance coverage before the party.
- If the party will be hosted onsite, determine whether you are covered for injuries or damage to property if you serve alcohol on your premises. You may need to purchase separate special event coverage or an additional liquor liability policy.
- For gatherings held offsite, such as in a restaurant, request a copy of the venue's certificate of insurance and determine if you need additional coverage.
2. Don't make attendance at the party mandatory. Employees should understand that no work will be conducted at the party.
3. Make it clear before the party that overindulgence and other offensive behavior are not acceptable.
- Remind employees that alcohol is no excuse for illegal or inappropriate behavior, such as sexual harassment.
- Consult your employee handbook and make sure that any company-sponsored festivities are not in violation of the policies in your handbook (such as those relating to an alcohol-free workplace).
4. Avoid open bars.