January 4, 2018
Hello Leaders!

Happy New Year! Conducting a Human Resources (HR) audit is a smart way to make sure your organization is legally compliant, as well as, uncover illegal activities, such as sexual harassment. Please read the article below and download my FREE ebook, 7 Simple Steps to Conduct an HR Audit!

As always, call me at (810) 813-8732 for any questions or assistance with HR issues.

Vanessa G. Nelson
3 Crucial Reasons to Conduct an HR Audit
Featured Article:

Sexual harassment is out of control! Workplace lawsuits are on the rise! Often times Human Resources' staff is so busy trying to keep up with the day-to-day operations; that many HR practices, policies, and procedures get neglected; which can increase company risk levels.

10 Ways Your HR Practices and Processes
Could Be Costing You

(Please note: there are more than 10 ways, however the items below are mere examples)

  1. Bad practices, not having policies, not having the right policies in place, and/or not following your policies
  2. Inappropriate hiring processes
  3. Misclassification of workers
  4. Wage and hour violations
  5. High turnover

Start the year off right by protecting your organization! 
Of Great Value:
Get your copy of my latest book, 101 Costly HR Mistakes...and How to Fix Them! Available now on my  Amazon's author page